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Wang Linjie

Branding, Advertising, Publication, Illustration & Typography

She comes from China and is good at graphic design. She likes taking photos and capturing beautiful pictures in life. She likes blue, which is used in almost every work.

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My main topic is what to do if international students can't adapt to foreign countries, resulting in psychological depression or autism. The name of my project is "LIGHT", which means there will be a light into your life, there will always be a light to illuminate you. The inspiration of the logo comes from the "lamp", and the "i" is replaced by a beam of light, the rounded font gives a cozy and warm feeling. It will be placed on all my works. 


I hope that when students see my publications, they will find a solution to the problem and heal. The posters highlight the theme and use rich colors, illustrations and fonts to express a positive attitude. My audience is mainly students, so I surround them with things they often use, such as drinking glasses, mobile phone cases and throw pillows. 


Image 1 - Mockup: Freepik | Image 3 - Mockup: Freepik | Image 4 - Mockup: Freepik

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